Bradford, Pop 800

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Reagan honors soldiers with art on Bradford wall Dec 16-22, 2004
Bradford's interim mayor has held the position before

Bradford, Ark.'s mayor, police chief and school librarian to leave for military duty in Iraq

by Artist Gene Reagan

In 1871 the Cairo and Fulton Railroad running from Little Rock to the White River at Newport, built Bradford Allen Station 17, seventeen miles southwest of Newport.
Bradford was incorporated in 1893. A booklet put together by the Bradford History Book
Committee titled  "First  Hundred Years of Bradford, Arkansas" details the town history.

Bradford receives restoration grant July 2004     

The city of Bradford has been awarded $11,090 by the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program to help restore the 80-year-old Bradford City Hall, Gov. Mike Huckabee announced Friday.
The money will pay for restoration of the exterior of the building, including repairing widows, doors, stucco and vents. The repairs will help stabilize the building until interior repairs can be made at some later date.
The grant will pay for two-thirds of the project, with local funds paying for the remainder, or $5,595.
Bradford officials plan on using the restored building as a senior activity center. The old City Hall has been on the National Register of Historic Places since Oct., 1999.


      Mayor: Leroy Mitchell (I) 501.344.8341                                 Fire Dept.   Van Winkle Genealogy
        POB 156, Bradford, AR 72020-0156|
        City Recorder:  Greba Edens                                                             Map   Churches      Veterans Memorial

Bradford Eagle Restaurant 

W1,1 Frank Wayne Malott (I) W2,1 Rickey Dunn (I) W3,1 McKinley Goad (I)
W1,2 Truman Turner (I) W2,2 George W. "Bill" Bright (I) W3,2 William "Bill" Pyle (I)

The Tape Shop   Trinity Christian School
Smith Clinic    Senior Center

        Police Chief: Jeff Chambliss, 344-2252, POB 156, Bradford, 72020, 308 W. Walnut St.
        Fire Chief: Dean Van Winkle, Assistants Chiefs Dennis Whitener & Kerry Hart; Captains, Donald Swiney & Rickey          Jones; Lieutenant Billy Burruss & Training Officer Paul Gagner & Donley Helms
        Justice of the Peace: Harvey Goad, Jr        mail1.gif (1605 bytes)  District #5     Home Page

Citizens State Bank  

        Bradford focuses in youth

The Daily Citizen Staff Writer

        The youth of Bradford can expect to find more to do in the coming months, according to Mayor Rodney Brady.
    Brady said the town is fast upgrading its parks and recreation department to provide entertainment for the young people. The department sponsored a free rock concert earlier this year, and Brady said Walker Brothers Circus came to town earlier this month.
    The department hopes to refurbish Bradford's three parks, with new swings, sandboxes and see-saws for the little ones. "I've got plans to put in a sand-pit volleyball court," Brady added.
In the future, he said the town may also see a new baseball field, pending a matching grant to fund it.
"There are a lot of big plans" for youth programs, Brady said.
    Another priority for the city is serving and protecting its citizens through fire, ambulance and police.
    The fire department recently formed a First responders rescue team, which is on the scene of a medical emergency with the Pro-Med/Rural Metro Ambulance housed in Bradford.
    The city's eight First Responders have taken a special course that trained them to assist the medical team. and several have gone on to serve with EMT, according to Fire Chief Dean van Winkle,
Van Winkle added that the city's fire department rating may soon change, dropping from a Class VIII to a Class VII and lowering the insurance rating in the area. "Everything is ready but the water," van Winkle said, noting that they have a new well..

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