McRae, Arkansas Pop 661 |
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Tornado Damage
to Memorial - Beebe -
Animal Shelter
Fire Dept.
Liles Family
Genealogy McRae Flea
McRae Internet Access
Intergrated Community
Network Proposal
McRae graduates last
class tonight
McRae Farmer Bill Holt
Edith & Leila Bobbitt at Lebanon Rd
Church 1977
Times The History of McRae by Bruce
Herring Building put on register
Douglas Gene Kirk
Pamela K. Ward
Missing adults legislation special for
McRae family
Annual McRae Fest 3rd Weekend of October
Kenneth Strayhorn (D) 501.726.5156
POB A, McRae, AR
City Council:
1,1 Jerold T. Adams (D) | 2,1 Lela Strange (D) | |
1,2 Mary Louise Adams (D) | Billy M. sanders (D) |
Police Chief: 726-3621 Mark Bishop, POB A,
151 S. Grand, McRae, 72102
Chief: 726-3231
McRae getting washed, polished
McRae is washed and polished after a major
clean-up effort, according to Mayor Kenneth Strayhorn.
Part of the effort included a "home grant," through which the city remodeled 14
homes in "phase two." During the next phase, they will finish the 20 houses
still on the waiting list.
Some of these houses has never
had air conditioning, and none had central heat. These homes were weatherized
and carpeted through the $333,000 grant.
City council
members are completing plans this month to build a park behind city
Other projects under the clean-up included trash collection in yards
and the mowing of vacant lots.
The town has attracted
significant growth, and more is to come, as a new subdivision will eventually
provide homes for close to 40 people.
In McRae White River
Area Agency is to get more than $1 million in housing aid, plus a five-year
rental subsidy of $250,000 for a new 20-unit complex for the
City council members in McRae include Billy
Mark Sanders, Louis Strange, Jerald Adams, Mary Louise Adams and secretary, Mary
Ann Pruitt.
McRae has two full-time police officers and one part-time, Mark
Bishop is the police chief.
There are 17 volunteer firemen
in the community who work under Chief Bill Bowman.
McRae, population 669 is
located about five miles south of Searcy on Highway 67-167.
About 40 acres of
land south of the city were annexed into the city limits last